People who don't know me- please don't assume I'm this great fitness queen because this is a long hard journey that we're on together!
So here's the thing. I tried this method of training called Tabata training. Tabata training simply put means that you go all out in whatever excercise you're doing for 20 secons and then rest or slow down for a 10 second recovery and then repeat the process. (see article below)
This kicked my but! My intervals always consisted of the opposite. All out for 10 seconds and then reduce speed for 20. Boy what a difference doing it the Tabata way made! The fat-burning benefits are pumped up while also improving your endurance.
Workout log:
March 10, Wednesday: No workout
March 11, Thursday: 6:30 am eliptical interval training using Tabata method
March 11,
Thursday evening: Strength training with trainer (moderate pace).
Good measurement day, but he insists that I'm still "behind schedule"! Forgot to take those pics too (smile)
March 12, Friday: I feel like doing something different....maybe I'll hang from my door, do some treadmill work at an incline and perhaps some full body exercises...
Health and Fitness 4 You! (click to read original article)
The Best 7 Cardio Programs
Everyone always asks me, “What’s the best interval program for fat burning?” And unfortunately, like with every other type of workout style, there really is no “best” interval program. But that’s good news because it allows us to use variety in our approach. (So perhaps the best interval training method is simply the one that changes every 4 weeks.) One thing that is known, is that intense interval training workouts result in more fat burning than slow cardio training programs.
Interval recommendations have ranged from 15 seconds to 5 minutes (these are known as aerobic intervals). So let’s take a look at each interval recommendation and all those in between.
1) 15 Second Intervals
The great thing about 15 second intervals is that you’ll be able to work at a very high rate (almost near your maximum power output), as long as you get adequate recovery between work intervals. The downside is that it is very difficult to do 15 second intervals on machines, because it takes a long time to “build up” and “bring down” the machine settings to the correct speed.
If you decide to use these short, high-intensity intervals, you should do so only if you already have an above average level of fitness. Your rest interval should be at least 15 seconds long, and can be as long as 60 seconds. The longer you rest, the harder you will be able to exercise in each interval.
2) 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off
This method is known as the
Tabata protocol, after the Japanese scientist that published a study on this routine. This is hardcore. Not for the faint of heart. If you are a beginner, try easy interval trainig.
Alwyn Cosgrove and Craig Ballantyne use interval training because it works. Again, it would be very difficult to perform this type of interval training on a machine, due to the time lag as you increase or decrease the settings. And finally, these too should only be performed by above average fitness levels.
3) 30 Second Intervals
The Turbulence Training workouts tend to use a lot of 30 second intervals. Beginners will rest up to 90 seconds between intervals, while advanced fitness levels will rest 30-60 seconds. The longer (relative) rest allows you to work harder in each successive interval (i.e. you’ll almost be able to match your performance in the first interval with each following interval). Short rest intervals (as in the Tabata protocol) will lead to a dramatic drop-off in performance with each interval. You can easily do the 3-second intervals on any machine.
4) 45 Second Intervals
These intervals are proven for fat loss, in addition to being effective for many team sports (such as hockey, soccer, basketball, and rugby). I have used 45 second intervals extensively in both areas of training. Short workouts, but tough workouts. Your rest intervals will feel like they go by so fast. Use 45-90 seconds of recovery between intervals. Do 3-6 intervals per workout. Your fitness and fat loss will skyrocket.
5) 60 second intervals
Similar to the 45 second intervals in benefits and toughness. Rest 1-2 minutes before starting your next interval.
6) 120 second intervals
These are now officially aerobic intervals, and can be used for both fat loss and improving aerobic capacity for sports and running. A great way to achieve two fitness goals at once. Exercise for 2 minutes and then recover for 2 minutes. Repeat 6 times. These workouts take longer (obviously), but can have a role in changing your body and improving your performance.
7) 5 minute intervals
Same strategy as with the two minute intervals. This really increases your workout time, so these are only used with serious endurance athletes.
Beginner vs. Advanced
If you are thinking that these intervals all sound “too intense” for you, please don’t worry. Interval training is all relative. You don’t have to sprint for your life in each type of interval. Instead, just work at a slightly harder than normal pace. By the end of the interval, you should be getting tired, but you shouldn’t be gasping for air. Start conservatively and you will get the hang of it.
For example, if you regularly use level 5 on the stationary bike for 30 minutes continuously, you might try doing a 1 minute interval at level 7. Try that for an interval workout and let me know how it goes.
I really like to use short bursts of exercise lasting no longer than a minute. These have been the staple intervals in my Turbulence Training workouts since the first workout was designed back in 2001. But again, I think you will get your best fat loss results if you vary your interval training workouts – just like you must vary your strength training workouts.
Without fat burning intervals, you might never burn belly fat.
Article Source:
Get the shocking free report on the Dark Side of Cardio from Turbulence Training to learn how to burn fat without slow cardio – all from Men’s Health expert Craig Ballantyne and his trademarked Turbulence Training workout secrets