Sunday, March 28, 2010

Fultons Fitness: NO MONEY DOWN MONTH!

Exciting special for the month at
Fultons Fitness! 
If there was a good time to join the gym, now would be THAT TIME!

Gym location: 321 Boston Post Road, Milford, CT. They specialize in One-to-One Training, however the have an assortment of classes and programs to benefit the most diverse.  Among other programs, they have a program gear specifically for the diabetic. Charlie (look for his soon-to-come-feature) is a personal trainer and current diabetic.  He will personalize your training catering specifically to your health needs, monitors your blood suger level, teaches you about proper nutrition ect.  Then they have Yoga taught by Michelle who is also an awsome sports massage therapist!  She has spoiled my daughter/athlete.  Going to Michelle for a sports massage is like dangling a bag of candy in front of a child to Alivia! If Spinning is your forte' they have awsome spinning classes, Zumba, weight classes and alot more. You've have to come down and check it out for yourself. Visit the new website for some home workouts to try before coming in to the gym. Even though I have a home fitness Center, I find it beneficial to receive the one-to-one training from an expert who can modify and tweak my fitness routine and nutrition to obtain the optimal results that I'm looking for. It enables me to not only workout hard, but workout smart!

Message from Robert Fulton:  Our Spring Specials for new friends and family rates are just $39.99 per month, with no enrollment fee, until May 31st or $75.00 off $425.00 paid in full for the year. Remember, refer 5 friends who join the club and get a Fultons Fitness Gym Bag. Refer 10 friends who join the club and get 10 training sessions. So you can end up with a Gym Bag and 10 training sessions with 10 friends to workout with. Our 1 To 1 training session packages range for 10 to 60 sessions ,choose the one thats fits your needs.

Once again Thank You and we’re glad you enjoy our facilities! Please try one of our new classes.

Women's Health Fair 2010

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Older Women Need More Exercise + Less Calories To Lose Weight

Older Women Need More Exercise + Less Calories To Lose Weight
March 24, 2010 By Kimberly

Just like many women over 40 who are trying to lose weight, Vickie Jones is finding it difficult to get the scale to budge. I hear this from my female clients all the time and I am facing these same issues. I know life is hectic and even getting in a half hour, 3 or 4 days a week, seems like alot of exercise. Today a study released by the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA), suggests exercising for 30 minutes, five days a week won’t stop weight gain while getting older without cutting calories. Dr. I-Min Lee, the study’s lead author, found that among women consuming a usual diet, physical activity was associated with less weight gain only among women whose BMI was lower than 25. Women successful in maintaining normal weight and gaining fewer than 5 pounds over 13 years exercised approximately 60 minutes a day of moderate-intensity activity throughout the study.

At least an hour of moderate activity a day is needed for older women at a healthy weight who aren’t dieting. For those who are already overweight, and that’s most American women, even more exercise is called for to avoid gaining weight without eating less, the study results suggest. The study focused on women so researchers could not theorize if this data would be true for men.

I’ve been in the fitness industry for over 15 years and I’ve noticed that the longer a woman has been carrying those extra pounds, the longer it takes for it to come off. Vickie said she has been trying to lose weight for the past 5 years and she’s only lost 6 pounds.

Are you finding it hard to lose weight now that you’re older?

Thursday workout:
1 hour strength training: sumo squats, lunges, side lunges, rows (over and underhand), machine chest presses, shoulder presses, 200 v ups, reverse sit ups (hanging by legs?)
30 minutes cardio on eliptical (Tabata intervals)

Monday, March 15, 2010

How To Avoid Overeating!

My workout Journal for today: March 15th
Fitness    Minutes Calories Burned    Heart Rate

Walk: 3 mph (20 min/mi) Minutes: 20.0   Calories burned: -154.0 
Elliptical trainer: general Minutes: 35.0  Calories burned:  -570.0  Heart rate: 161 x
Chalean Extreme Weight Lifting - free weights or machine, moderate Minutes: 34.0 calories burned-174.0  Heart rate: 124

Featured workout DVD:

Article for the day:
How To Avoid Overeating

Don't overindulge in fatty foods.

You may not notice just how much you consume in any given day, and this disconnect from your food and nutrition can lead to overeating, eventually causing weight gain. Being more conscious and using easy tips to keep you constantly thinking about your food choices and eating habits can help you avoid overeating and maintain a healthy weight.

Step 1

Eat more slowly. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that eating slowly increased the response time of the "I'm full" gut reflex that tells you that you are satisfied. This means that be simply slowing down and chewing your food more slowly, you'll consume less calories and stop overeating because your body feels fuller faster.

Step 2

Eat sitting down at a table. With your busy lifestyle, you've likely had a meal in the car, at your computer or while standing up. These positions cause you to eat mindlessly, resulting in overindulgence and overeating, notes fitness website If you must go through the drive-thru, take the food home to eat, and resist the urge to open the bag and consume in the car.

Step 3

Eat small meals throughout the day. Rather than choosing three large meals each day and allowing yourself to get so hungry that you overeat, try five or six small meals so that your body isn't given the chance to get hungry. Choose snacks that include whole grains, vegetables and fruit and lean protein so that you're left feeling satisfied, even when you eat less than you normally would.

Step 4

Halve your portions when eating out at restaurants. USA Today reported that restaurants serve portions that are at least two to four times the size recommended by the government. That means you can easily halve your portion and ask for a take-home box immediately, before you even start eating. You'll keep your portions under control and have lunch for tomorrow.

Step 5

Drink a glass of water. The Desert News notes that people often mistake hunger for thirst. If you feel hungry, drink an eight-ounce glass of ice water first, and then reassess your need to eat. You may find that the water quenches thirst and hunger simultaneously

Friday, March 12, 2010

Great Fitness Tips 4 You!

People who don't know me- please don't assume I'm this great fitness queen because this is a long hard journey that we're on together!

So here's the thing. I tried this method of training called Tabata training. Tabata training simply put means that you go all out in whatever excercise you're doing for 20 secons and then rest or slow down for a 10 second recovery and then repeat the process. (see article below)

This kicked my but!  My intervals always consisted of the opposite. All out for 10 seconds and then reduce speed for 20.  Boy what a difference doing it the Tabata way made! The fat-burning benefits are pumped up while also improving your endurance.

Workout log:
March 10, Wednesday: No workout
March 11, Thursday: 6:30 am eliptical interval training using Tabata method
March 11, Thursday evening: Strength training with trainer (moderate pace).
Good measurement day, but he insists that I'm still "behind schedule"! Forgot to take those pics too (smile)
March 12, Friday: I feel like doing something different....maybe I'll hang from my door, do some treadmill work at an incline and perhaps some full body exercises...

Health and Fitness 4 You! (click to read original article)
The Best 7 Cardio Programs

Everyone always asks me, “What’s the best interval program for fat burning?” And unfortunately, like with every other type of workout style, there really is no “best” interval program. But that’s good news because it allows us to use variety in our approach. (So perhaps the best interval training method is simply the one that changes every 4 weeks.) One thing that is known, is that intense interval training workouts result in more fat burning than slow cardio training programs.

Interval recommendations have ranged from 15 seconds to 5 minutes (these are known as aerobic intervals). So let’s take a look at each interval recommendation and all those in between.

1) 15 Second Intervals

The great thing about 15 second intervals is that you’ll be able to work at a very high rate (almost near your maximum power output), as long as you get adequate recovery between work intervals. The downside is that it is very difficult to do 15 second intervals on machines, because it takes a long time to “build up” and “bring down” the machine settings to the correct speed.

If you decide to use these short, high-intensity intervals, you should do so only if you already have an above average level of fitness. Your rest interval should be at least 15 seconds long, and can be as long as 60 seconds. The longer you rest, the harder you will be able to exercise in each interval.
2) 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off

This method is known as the Tabata protocol, after the Japanese scientist that published a study on this routine. This is hardcore. Not for the faint of heart. If you are a beginner, try easy interval trainig.

Alwyn Cosgrove and Craig Ballantyne use interval training because it works. Again, it would be very difficult to perform this type of interval training on a machine, due to the time lag as you increase or decrease the settings. And finally, these too should only be performed by above average fitness levels.

3) 30 Second Intervals
The Turbulence Training workouts tend to use a lot of 30 second intervals. Beginners will rest up to 90 seconds between intervals, while advanced fitness levels will rest 30-60 seconds. The longer (relative) rest allows you to work harder in each successive interval (i.e. you’ll almost be able to match your performance in the first interval with each following interval). Short rest intervals (as in the Tabata protocol) will lead to a dramatic drop-off in performance with each interval. You can easily do the 3-second intervals on any machine.

4) 45 Second Intervals

These intervals are proven for fat loss, in addition to being effective for many team sports (such as hockey, soccer, basketball, and rugby). I have used 45 second intervals extensively in both areas of training. Short workouts, but tough workouts. Your rest intervals will feel like they go by so fast. Use 45-90 seconds of recovery between intervals. Do 3-6 intervals per workout. Your fitness and fat loss will skyrocket.
5) 60 second intervals

Similar to the 45 second intervals in benefits and toughness. Rest 1-2 minutes before starting your next interval.

6) 120 second intervals

These are now officially aerobic intervals, and can be used for both fat loss and improving aerobic capacity for sports and running. A great way to achieve two fitness goals at once. Exercise for 2 minutes and then recover for 2 minutes. Repeat 6 times. These workouts take longer (obviously), but can have a role in changing your body and improving your performance.

7) 5 minute intervals

Same strategy as with the two minute intervals. This really increases your workout time, so these are only used with serious endurance athletes.

Beginner vs. Advanced

If you are thinking that these intervals all sound “too intense” for you, please don’t worry. Interval training is all relative. You don’t have to sprint for your life in each type of interval. Instead, just work at a slightly harder than normal pace. By the end of the interval, you should be getting tired, but you shouldn’t be gasping for air. Start conservatively and you will get the hang of it.
For example, if you regularly use level 5 on the stationary bike for 30 minutes continuously, you might try doing a 1 minute interval at level 7. Try that for an interval workout and let me know how it goes.

I really like to use short bursts of exercise lasting no longer than a minute. These have been the staple intervals in my Turbulence Training workouts since the first workout was designed back in 2001. But again, I think you will get your best fat loss results if you vary your interval training workouts – just like you must vary your strength training workouts.

Without fat burning intervals, you might never burn belly fat.

Article Source:

Get the shocking free report on the Dark Side of Cardio from Turbulence Training to learn how to burn fat without slow cardio – all from Men’s Health expert Craig Ballantyne and his trademarked Turbulence Training workout secrets

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Treadmill Run

I've been doing more of my workouts for the past few days on the treadmill....I guess to switch things up a bit.  An incline of 10-15% is no joke! An hour on that and you're burning some serious calories. Imagine walking (or running if your fit) up hill for 30 minutes to an hour?!
Well here's an interesting treadmill workout I ran into.

Treadmill Run (click to view original article)
Today is a fun workout that will really change up your cardio! Let’s work our endurance on the treadmill with one of the best run workouts to change up your routine…

Warm up:

- Brisk walk or jog for 6 minutes

Endurance Run Workout:

- Run 3 minutes (70-80% of your max) at 1.5 – 2.5% incline

- Brisk walk 3 minutes at 10 to 15% incline

- Side steps/hops for 3 minutes; 1 and 1/2 min on both sides at 3.o% incline

- Jog 3 minutes (50% of your max) at 5 to 6.0% incline for a total of 1 mile (repeat if needed)

- Run 3 minutes (80-90% of your max) at 1.5 – 2.5% incline

- Brisk walk 3 minutes at 10 to 15% incline

- Side steps/hops for 3 minutes; 1 and 1/2 min on both sides at 3.o% incline

- Jog 3 minutes (60% of your max) at 5 to 6.0% incline for a total of 1 mile (repeat if needed)

- Rules; no hands/ no holding on! Time yourself and post your results! Beginners, modify and scale the speed and incline if needed.

Friday's Workout: No workout- Basketball games
Saturday Workout: Sunrise workout! 7:00 AM for 1 hour cardio on eliptical then 20 minute full body workout with trainer...( step ups, fire hydrants, sumo squats)
Sunday: Recovery Day
Monday's workout:
42 minutes Treadmill at an incline of 10% at 3.2mph. Then 30 minutes of eliptical interval training. (I had to close out on my favorite).  I think tonight I'll do some strength training and hopefully close out with a cardio session. 

Tuesday March 9 Workout:
35 minutes of strength training- one arm rows, chest press, seated rows, push ups, straight arm pull down, chest flys
30 minutes of interval eliptical training

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Best Ideas for a Post Workout Meal

Post workout tonight for me:  3 scoops of Fulton-X Whey protein supplement
Dinner: turkey burger

Workout: 60 minutes of Strength traiing: He changed my workout today with assisted chin ups, knee ups, tricep work, rows
41 minutes on treadill at 2.5mph incline of 11.5-14

Now this is a great article that I discovered today on  When you begin to think of food as fuel, it's good to know exactly when to fuel up and how it's making the body-machine work!

The Best Ideas for a Post Workout Meal

Central to the postworkout meal is the timing of consumption. Immediately following exercise, blood flow is still increased to working muscle. The goal is to supply the body immediate sources of protein and carbohydrates to begin the anabolic (repair and rebuild) and glycogen storage (refueling) phases. Exercise has a catabolic effect (breaking down) on muscle tissue. Protein is needed to switch from a catabolic state to an anabolic one. Carbs are essential to muscle recovery by replenishing glycogen stores in muscle tissue and speeding up preparation for the next bout of activity.


Whey protein serves as the best source of amino acids for tissue repair postworkout. Whey has a 100 percent bioavailability. In other words, 100 percent of what is consumed is used. Compare that to whole-food options such as egg whites (88 percent), fish (83 percent) or chicken (79 percent), and it is easy to see why it is preferred. Furthermore, and more importantly, whey protein is digested faster than any other protein source. The goal is to maximize nutrient uptake while blood flow is enhanced.


Watermelon, bananas, raisins and potatoes are carbs that should be consumed postexercise. These foods are relatively moderate to high on the glycemic index. Their rapid digestion and absorption make them optimal for uptake into recently worked muscle tissue for the replenishing of muscle glycogen. However, they do offer nutrients the body needs, as well. After working out is the only time where it is recommended to avoid fiber, since it tends to slow down digestion, which is counterproductive to postworkout refueling.


Water, sports drinks and 100 percent natural juices are all viable considerations for postexercise drinks. Water is essential to reinstitute the body's water balance. This can also be achieved by consuming fortified sports drinks that will not only add water back to the body but also supply carbohydrates and the electrolytes (sodium, potassium) lost during sweating. Carbs in sports drinks are proportioned to avoid overconsumption, which could lead to a delay in gastric emptying and fluid absorption.

"Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition Guidebook," 3rd ed.; Nancy Clark; 2003

"ACSM's Health and Fitness Journal"; The Science of Hydration; Beth Stover and Robert Murray; March/April 2007

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

High Intensity Exercise

High Intensity Exercise
posted by CharityShantell on 10:00 am

I loved this excerpt from It's motivating!!
Intense Exercise and Your Growth Hormone

After you work out, do you have the feeling that you can do anything? Well, you're not alone. That "runner's high" (which is actually triggered by any form of exercise, not just running) comes about because exercise floods your body with endorphins. These helpful biochemicals lift your mood and stimulate the release of another important hormone that affects your metabolism: human growth hormone (sometimes called HGH). This hormone is something we all want, and lots of it. It builds muscle, burns fat, helps you resist heart disease, protects your bones, and increases your overall health. To be clear, I'm NOT taking about the HGH that you've probably heard about in the news, in reference to doped-up athletes — that's the injected kind and it's definitely something you do NOT want. I'm talking about the natural kind that your body produces with exercise.

The key to turning your body into a growth hormone factory is to exercise at a high intensity level. During intense exercise — like those cardio intervals I've give you in your Fitness Planner — growth hormone spurs the body to use fat as fuel instead of glucose. So you burn more fat as you exercise, and you're keeping your blood glucose levels stable, which gives you more energy to keep going. On the other hand, lack of exercise makes your muscles insulin-resistant and suppresses growth hormone. So make sure you are getting that high-quality, intense exercise to work up those growth hormone levels — it's the healthiest way to reverse aging and make yourself stronger.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Not as healthy as you think- Round Two

Posted by susysez
March 1, 2010

Not as Healthy as you think!
Yogurt with Fruit on the Bottom: Be careful here, these can be loaded with high fructose corn syrup.
My suggestion: Plain yogurt and add your own fruit with a drizzle of honey.

Trail Mix: Sure it sounds great with all the nuts and sugared fruit, then some add chocolate – this is really high in calories and with all the sugar will not keep your filled up for long.
My suggestion: Have a handful of mixed raw nuts.
Fruit Juice: Very deceiving and loaded with added sugars – up to 35 grams of sugar in an 8oz serving.
My suggestion: Make your own juice or eat the fruit.
Flavored Tea Drinks: Deceiving tea sounds good for you however these have tons of added sugars.
My suggestion: Brew your own tea and add honey to sweeten.

Tuesday Cardio Blast

Wanted to blast it on the cardoio.... again to really do some calorie busting!
50 minutes eliptical Podrunner week 2 toward an 8K (intervals)
25 minutes on treadmill at incline of 10 and 14 then down to 5 for last 4 minutes.  pace of 3.1-3.2

I feel like my tendon (in bicep) is healing.... staying away from the off day strength training unless I do legs.  I can't wait to pump up the weight! 

Now for a relaxing moment....

Book wish list:              Current read:

About the Author

KENDRA NORMAN-BELLAMY is a national best-selling author and the founder of KNB Publications LLC. She is the organizer of Visions in Print, an Atlanta-based national organization for faith-based writers, and The Writer’s Hut, an online fellowship for African American Writers. She is the founder of Cruisin’ For Christ, a groundbreaking at-sea ministry that celebrates writing, gospel music and other God-glorifying arts, and also serves as a motivational speaker.

Kendra and her award winning titles have been featured in such magazines as Essence, Upscale, EKG Literary, and HOPE for Women. She has been a contributing writer for HOPE for Women, Precious Times, and Global Women magazines. Kendra is the author of One Prayer Away, Crossing Jhordan’s River, and A Love So Strong. She was the winner of the 2008 Best Christian Fiction Award and the 2008 Best Anthology Award from the African American Literary Award Show in Harlem, New York.

A native of West Palm Beach, Florida, Kendra currently resides in Stone Mountain, George with her family. For more information, visit

Sunday-Monday NO WORKOUT!

This means my schedule for this week should be Tues,Weds, Thurs, Fri, Saturday.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Saturday workout- Killer Cardio!

Concentration Chest, calves- disjointed workout due to Women's Day.
1 hr treadmill workout (incline of 14) whoo hoo!
45 minute eliptical interval training
Next morning lost 2 lbs!  Was all of that in sweat?!!!