Monday, October 27, 2014

In between the HERE and There

In between the HERE and THERE:

I always like to take a moment before pulling out of the school parking lot to sit quietly, roll down the windows, eat my lunch; Read hilarious status postings and just simply regroup before hitting the road. The ride home is usually 1 that includes a very specific playlist or an important phone call. Whatever the choice, I just love this me- time. I view it as the time "in between here and there", transitional space. Alot of things can change in between here and there. Minds can change; directional changes can occur; the Unexpected can occur all during this transition inbetween HERE and THERE.  I suppose all transitions can be viewed as such..... A time to re-assess re-evaluate, spend time with self. This ride used to seem long and tedious until I began to cherish and value it for its purpose. (Breathing in my me-time..from HERE to THERE)

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Renovate your Home

So, let me know if you can catch this ##notsorandom Sunday Thought.
How do these pics relate? ( FYI I'm a visual learner and thinker)

I've been puttering around, cleaning out the refrigerator, thinking. Something that can lead me to "who Knows where" My thoughts settled on (l My Father's House " And the overwhelming Amount of internal work that has to be done,

What I decided to do was some external things like laying mulch, flowers on the porch, just to distract me from the internal Work needing to be done and which would eventually become unavoidable, Are you catching this?

So sitting here now touching up the French tue work it hit me that I Should share that while the minor touchups are acceptable and even necessary at times, don't let that be a distraction from the even more internal work, renovation, reorganization that is even more important within this house that Your Father has built, As pretty as it may appear on the outside, at some point You may want to Gpeh the doors and invite Someone in, You'll want them to feel at home won't you?