In between the HERE and THERE:
I always like to take a moment before pulling out of the school parking lot to sit quietly, roll down the windows, eat my lunch; Read hilarious status postings and just simply regroup before hitting the road. The ride home is usually 1 that includes a very specific playlist or an important phone call. Whatever the choice, I just love this me- time. I view it as the time "in between here and there", transitional space. Alot of things can change in between here and there. Minds can change; directional changes can occur; the Unexpected can occur all during this transition inbetween HERE and THERE. I suppose all transitions can be viewed as such..... A time to re-assess re-evaluate, spend time with self. This ride used to seem long and tedious until I began to cherish and value it for its purpose. (Breathing in my me-time..from HERE to THERE)