Monday, March 15, 2010

How To Avoid Overeating!

My workout Journal for today: March 15th
Fitness    Minutes Calories Burned    Heart Rate

Walk: 3 mph (20 min/mi) Minutes: 20.0   Calories burned: -154.0 
Elliptical trainer: general Minutes: 35.0  Calories burned:  -570.0  Heart rate: 161 x
Chalean Extreme Weight Lifting - free weights or machine, moderate Minutes: 34.0 calories burned-174.0  Heart rate: 124

Featured workout DVD:

Article for the day:
How To Avoid Overeating

Don't overindulge in fatty foods.

You may not notice just how much you consume in any given day, and this disconnect from your food and nutrition can lead to overeating, eventually causing weight gain. Being more conscious and using easy tips to keep you constantly thinking about your food choices and eating habits can help you avoid overeating and maintain a healthy weight.

Step 1

Eat more slowly. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that eating slowly increased the response time of the "I'm full" gut reflex that tells you that you are satisfied. This means that be simply slowing down and chewing your food more slowly, you'll consume less calories and stop overeating because your body feels fuller faster.

Step 2

Eat sitting down at a table. With your busy lifestyle, you've likely had a meal in the car, at your computer or while standing up. These positions cause you to eat mindlessly, resulting in overindulgence and overeating, notes fitness website If you must go through the drive-thru, take the food home to eat, and resist the urge to open the bag and consume in the car.

Step 3

Eat small meals throughout the day. Rather than choosing three large meals each day and allowing yourself to get so hungry that you overeat, try five or six small meals so that your body isn't given the chance to get hungry. Choose snacks that include whole grains, vegetables and fruit and lean protein so that you're left feeling satisfied, even when you eat less than you normally would.

Step 4

Halve your portions when eating out at restaurants. USA Today reported that restaurants serve portions that are at least two to four times the size recommended by the government. That means you can easily halve your portion and ask for a take-home box immediately, before you even start eating. You'll keep your portions under control and have lunch for tomorrow.

Step 5

Drink a glass of water. The Desert News notes that people often mistake hunger for thirst. If you feel hungry, drink an eight-ounce glass of ice water first, and then reassess your need to eat. You may find that the water quenches thirst and hunger simultaneously

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