Sunday, February 14, 2010

Melt Down Today

Melt Down.....Valley Day
For some reason, today I was just tired of the struggle. I was tired of counting, tired of pushing, tired of drinking water, tired of "detoxing", tired tired tired! Perhaps it had somethinf to do with having to move all of that furniture.... I guess we all have moments like this and just need to find the strength to just keep moving forward.  I said that I would be honest with myself when journaling in this fashion so that I could learn from the times when I'm on the mountain top and when I'm in the valley. Today dear self, was a valley day....


  1. Dana Greene: Hey J, its ok to have the "valley day" as long as you don't stay there...right! Keep up the good work! I texted you on your b-day, but I think it went to the house
    46 minutes ago ·

  2. Sharon Niecy Rogers: Well how dare you be human!! If not for valleys there would be no peaks to climb. There is a reason for your visit to the valley. Your job is to find out what it is, kick it's but and get back to climbing Mt Nemisus(fictious place) LOL. Any moutain climber takes cover and camps out for a time to re energize mentally to continne the climb. Stay positive. Even if you feel lost God is leading you by faith. Besides I've already made you one of my hero's !!!! Happy Valentines Day Jada

  3. Jada Hooks-Wilson You girls made me cry...... a good cry....... thank you Dana and Niecy.... you both were God sent today......whew exhale..... Love you both and happy valentines day!

  4. Sharon Niecy Rogers: Love you too girl!! Nothing like a good cry

    Jada Hooks-Wilson: I'm gonna do just what you said Niecy!

  5. Angela Nelson: As the day has come to an end, so has the valley day. So as we start a new day that we have never seen before...thank God for a new beginning.
    about a minute ago ·

    Jada Hooks-Wilson :) smiling my dear sister Angela.....thank you thankyou thankyou... a new beginning with the poetic!

  6. Sharon Niecy Rogers: Amen. Thank you Father!
    a few seconds ago ·

    Angela Nelson :)
    a few seconds ago ·

    Jada Hooks-Wilson Sela..... :)
