Sunday, January 17, 2010

Can Food Save You?


Answer: If you've sat through a motivating presentation by the evangelizing Certified Master Trainer and nutritionist Anthony Cudjo, then the answer should be, "yes it can"! Tony Cudjo spoke to the hearts and minds of a "For Women’s Only" audience at Fultons Fitness on Thursday morning and evening about F.E.W. Lifestyle fitness and nutrition program for women. At the end of the motivating seminar we understood the importance of Food, Exercise and Water and how our bodies uniquely respond to these three components.

Tony Cudjo was well groomed as a presenter for the FEW program under the tutelage of Danny Russo who has earned certification as a master trainer, an aerobic trainer, a strength coach, and an NFL strength coach. Danny holds a degree in nutrition, and has worked as a fitness consultant for various fitness tv and multimedia presentations. He has been featured in national magazines and has developed fitness and weight management programs for hospitals, colleges, and health clubs in over 1000 cities nationwide (

Tony, whose motto is, "Never mistake knowledge for wisdom.One helps you make a living; the other helps you make a life." shared with us many key concepts and principles of nutrition, one of which is the importance of balancing PH levels in our bodies by the intake of certain food groups. By the end of the program we would understand that by maintaining proper PH levels, it aids our bodies in the utilization and synthesizing of healthy fats while decreasing water retention and enhancing digestion!

I attended the evening seminar prepared to hear a routine talk on health, nutrition and exercise.I was surprisingly enraptured when the empowered motivational speaker began the talk by reminding us passionately that as women, we have a natural tendency to spend most of our time taking care of everyone else while placing the needs of others above our own.  He encouraged us to place ourselves in a position of importance and priority by teaching us the uniqueness of our nutritional needs and requirements!

Tony continued to motivate us with the scripture that reminds us that, "Faith without works is dead!" Simply put, just believing in a dream wasn't enough.  We have to learn how to put our beliefs into action and take steps towards doing something about it!  So I had to ask myself, "How many times have I desired to accomplish something really important or tried to reach a dream or goal, but avoided the work necessary to obtain it?" The answer for me and for many in that room was, "many times".

Tony convinced me and all willing and listening ears that now was the time for "me".  He, along with his FEW staff along with the support of  Fultons Fitness, would be there to walk us through the process of changing how we felt about food,exercise and water intake and put that knowledge into action!
At the completion of the FEW seminar, as funny as it sounds, I felt reborn! I had found a renewed vigor to repent of my former way of living and make a lifestyle change for myself and for the sake of my loved ones. I walked away with beginning -knowledge, support and tools needed to make that lifestyle change.  Most comforting of all was the realization that I wasn't alone in my journey towards becoming complete in physical, spiritual and mental well being!

Thank you Fultons Fitness and Tony Cudjo for being one of the FEW that care about the health of our women!

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