Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ready to work out?

Wednesday 12/30/09
OK, I'm feeling the gym urge, so I'm going to suit up and head down to the WFC. I must explain that I'm on vacation, so my schedule is a bit more "in the air". This week I had to do "me" in between the fire place guy coming, the basketball tournaments, the snow blower guy coming etc. So because my home fitness center was created as a "no excuse zone", I will head there instead of to my 2nd favorite place, Fulton's Fitness! I must admit also that I am ruthless on my own with my workouts. I hear my trainers voice in my head saying "come on" and "one more".

So I'm going to suit up, the room has been warmed this time and head down to the WFC (Wilson Fitness Center). Understand that I have to psych mind into thinking that I'm going "somewhere" even though it's right downstairs. It kind of makes it more "official"

Day 3 begins with a leg work out! ugh not my favorite

Warm up on eliptical for 5 minutes

5 minutes of interval training

1. Leg extensions: 4 sets of course beginning weight

45 lbs x25

55lbs x 55

60lbs x 25

55lbs x 25

2. Stiff-legged dead lifts 2 barbells divide wt by 2

60 lbs x 15

60lbs x 15

80 nlbs x 10

60 lbs x15

3. Leg Press
150lbs x 25

155 x 25 two more sets... help!!!!

165 x 15

140 x 25

4. step ups with 10 lb wts
15 reps

15 reps

15 reps

12 reps ( Lord Help me)

5. Calf Press
100 lbs x 25

120 x 25

140 x 25

125 x 25

6. Standing Calf Raise

1 leg x 15

2 legs x 25

1 leg x 15 cramp in rit calf muscle!

2 legs x 30 burn burn burning

7. dumbbell squat
20 lbs x 15

20lbs x 15

20 lbs x 15

20 lbs x 15

8. lying leg curl
10lbs x 12 I thought I could lift more!

15 lbs x 15

15lbs x 15

10 lbx x 15

Cardio I
V ups

25 reps

25 reps help!

25 reps paused after 20 then resumed

Cardio II
I originally was going to do 20 minutes of cardio on eliptical, but true-to-form, once I got started I continued to push push push (vented anger at my trainer!)

22 minutes at pace

6 minutes at maximum incline and resistance of 10

2 minutes at pace

3 minutes cool down

I am so exhausted and my legs feel like lead! but I feel great! (whateva!)

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